As a queer reader, I know how nice it is to pick up a book, read the blurb or just look at the cover, and have a pretty clear idea that the content isn’t troublingly heteronormative or, worse, actively homophobic or transphobic. Is it imperative, then, that your book blurbs and promotion clearly advertise a book’s progressive chops and niche market? Or, is there something to be said for a little inveigling and obfuscation? Following on from my earlier post on how to write a book blurb, this time I’m looking at when, why, and how to tell the truth when promoting your book. [Read more…]
How to Write a Blurb for Your Book
Writing blurbs is both an art and a science. Happily, I’ve long been a fan of both endeavours. Even so, writing the blurbs for my own books is always a challenge. The blurb needs to instantly captivate the reader. Every word needs to pull its weight. But, what should you highlight? What should you include as a teaser, and what should you omit for fear of giving away too much too soon!? What follows are my musings on how to write a blurb for your book. [Read more…]